My art comes from an urge to explore. I like the countryside. I like a good view. And once I’m face to face with a lovely scenery, I feel immediately tempted to find out what it’s concealing. The dark goings-on behind the façade of nature, you might say, or the hidden machinations of the animal kingdom.
To imagine and express this, I usually tap the lines linking religious icon art, renaissance painting and comic culture. I am particularly thrilled by the kind of spiritual terror you find expressed in the paintings of the old Flemish masters, and I’m trying to find out what happens when you apply that mood to the serene and harmless world of rural folk art.
I am based in Germany, but my stuff has also been shown in such diverse places as Estonia, New York, Paris, Saint Petersburg, Amsterdam and Bangkok – just to mention a few. I live with my wife and my two sons in the north of Germany near Hamburg.
Born in Hamburg
Diploma at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences faculty of illustration and design

Selected Articles & Interviews
MoPo – de (24)
Город55 – ru (19)
Bangkok Post – en (19)
Neue Westfälische – de (17)
Westfalen-Blatt – de (17)
Boesner – de (16)
Lodown #93 – en (14)
Hi Fructose #33 – en (14)
WOW x WOW – en (14)
Zeit online – de (14)
Arrested Motion – en (14)
Proteus Mag – en (13)
Hi-Fructose – en (12)
Coates & Scarry – en (11)